Alfred Salom Photography
Capturing the moments that rock your world...

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Marin Headlands

We all couldn't have asked for better weather, on an October day.

This bunch has to be the most down to earth bunch of people I've ever had the pleasure of spending eight hours with. They were so easy to work with that, all the group pictures...including the one of ALL of them...were done in under 15 minutes. The couple shots with Anne and Brian? Emma timed it down to 30 minutes for 2 locations, including a 5 minute trek up and down the beach carrying 20 pounds of equipment and a 5 minute drive to the reception.

Side note: Emma is a stickler about keeping the bride and groom on time so they can enjoy their guests.

I also managed to practice my powers of hypnotism, as their friends were so agreeable with everything that I asked of them.

From Alfred Salom

From Alfred Salom

From Alfred Salom

From Alfred Salom

From Alfred Salom

From Alfred Salom

From Alfred Salom

Even Emma had powers of hypnotism, as she asked these two guys to joust with two very large poles.

Shot taken by wifey:

From Alfred Salom


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About This Blog

trialWe're Alfred and Emma and we are the people behind Alfred Salom Photography.

He loves comic books, music, and Bokeh Wednesdays.
She loves bargain hunting, reality television, and daydreaming.

Together, they love cuddling with their toddler and waking up at 2am to buy Krispy Kremes---because they are that important.

Located in the San Francisco Bay Area.
email us at infoATalfredsalomDOTcom

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