Alfred Salom Photography
Capturing the moments that rock your world...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Molly and John

We had one of our Short and Sweet weddings (3 hours) last Sunday for a lovely couple, John and Molly. Our services were a gift to them from a close friend. What a sweet, and thoughtful gift.

Hats, hats, and more hats! Loved it. The coziness of the ceremony, mixed in with the beauty of the surroundings made for such a sweet wedding.

Molly was such a lovely, and playful bride. I just wish I had more time with her! I never knew three hours could fly by so fast (squeezing 15 minute formals here and there).

Just a note to my future couples, it's good to have at least 45-60 minutes set aside for formals. The time is so worth it! I understand that this isn't possible with the shorter weddings, so I try to squeeze everything into 15-20 minute increments. :)






About This Blog

trialWe're Alfred and Emma and we are the people behind Alfred Salom Photography.

He loves comic books, music, and Bokeh Wednesdays.
She loves bargain hunting, reality television, and daydreaming.

Together, they love cuddling with their toddler and waking up at 2am to buy Krispy Kremes---because they are that important.

Located in the San Francisco Bay Area.
email us at infoATalfredsalomDOTcom

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