Alfred Salom Photography
Capturing the moments that rock your world...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Trixie's 18th Birthday

Trixie celebrated her 18th birthday at the Embassy Suites in Burlingame. We had so much fun! By the end of the night, I found myself doing a little dancing. Just a little. ;)

Trixie's Debut Dress029
Trixie's invitationTrixie's Cake
trixie's grand entrance
Debut dancingdebut dancing
debut dancingstrike a pose


Anonymous July 31, 2008 at 10:05 AM  

my jaw dropped looking at your portfolios. "OMG, are these really by Al?" I will definitely book you for a wedding photo shoot, just find me my groom. har-har!

in this set, the photo i like best is where Trixie (feeling close) was about to enter the room. She has that child-like excitement like she can't wait to pass through there & be changed into a new woman. but you also know she won't leave behind her cheerful ways.

... see, the photo did speak a thousand words. ok.. just a few tens of words... :)

it's not hard to believe they're yours. you've always shown your artistic side thru caricaturing (is that in wikipedia?). you just found a new medium. going with the technology & the times 'eh? good move. keep it up, Kuya Al!! miss u guys!

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About This Blog

trialWe're Alfred and Emma and we are the people behind Alfred Salom Photography.

He loves comic books, music, and Bokeh Wednesdays.
She loves bargain hunting, reality television, and daydreaming.

Together, they love cuddling with their toddler and waking up at 2am to buy Krispy Kremes---because they are that important.

Located in the San Francisco Bay Area.
email us at infoATalfredsalomDOTcom

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