Alfred Salom Photography
Capturing the moments that rock your world...

Saturday, August 9, 2008


I mentioned that we would be busy with personal engagements and with side projects. Rhoda's wedding was one of our personal engagements. Emma was the MOH, our daughter Ella was the flower girl, and I served as babysitter for the night. I was asked to help second shoot this wedding (and would normally never pass up a chance to work with Ken--who also happens to be the photographer who I started assisting), but I was SO looking forward to being a guest for a change and getting to sit on the other end of the lens as I watched our two great friends get hitched---besides, as Emma reminded me, she needs me to assist HER with wrangling the little flower girl as she would be busy tending to the bride.

Just some snaps from the day:

Rehearsal Dinner

888 wedding Bridesmaids

My girl:
Flower Girl Wand
8.8.08 flower girl
He caught my bouquet

buzz kiss
Cake time:

888 wedding
More personal pics to come.


Unknown August 9, 2008 at 10:36 PM  

I love the pictures! Another job well done. Cheers!

Gina August 10, 2008 at 12:00 PM  

Emma looks amazing in all these shots! What photogenic subject you have in her (and Miss Ella)!

Anonymous August 11, 2008 at 8:47 PM  

Awesome! That's a good looking entourage!

Anonymous August 11, 2008 at 9:05 PM  

awhh ella is a cutie,wedding loos beautiful,especially through your pics!

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About This Blog

trialWe're Alfred and Emma and we are the people behind Alfred Salom Photography.

He loves comic books, music, and Bokeh Wednesdays.
She loves bargain hunting, reality television, and daydreaming.

Together, they love cuddling with their toddler and waking up at 2am to buy Krispy Kremes---because they are that important.

Located in the San Francisco Bay Area.
email us at infoATalfredsalomDOTcom

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