Alfred Salom Photography
Capturing the moments that rock your world...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cherryl and Nasser, Post-Wedding Shoot

Emma here.

Cherryl and Nasser had an amazing wedding. Unfortunately, we weren't able to be their day-of photographer.

Apparently, things were running late on her big day, so she wasn't able to get all the desired solo shots, couple shots, and entourage shots (primarily with her girls). We're glad we were able to step in for her.

From Alfred Salom Photography

From Alfred Salom Photography

From Alfred Salom Photography

From Alfred Salom Photography

From Alfred Salom Photography

It was FREEZING the day we shot this. Cherryl was a trooper! I took some shots as well:

From Blogger Pictures

From Blogger Pictures


About This Blog

trialWe're Alfred and Emma and we are the people behind Alfred Salom Photography.

He loves comic books, music, and Bokeh Wednesdays.
She loves bargain hunting, reality television, and daydreaming.

Together, they love cuddling with their toddler and waking up at 2am to buy Krispy Kremes---because they are that important.

Located in the San Francisco Bay Area.
email us at infoATalfredsalomDOTcom

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